
These are the Amenities available at our Hotel

Free Wifi

Daily Housekeeping

Free Parking

Cable TV


Air Conditioner

Privat Kitchen

Pool Sharing

Rooms & Suites

These are the most customers are selected

Max 4 persons

45 SQM

Located near the seafront of Seminyak Bali, the resort has a beautiful building area of 45 m2, modern beds

Max 4 persons

45 SQM

Located near the seafront of Seminyak Bali, the resort has a beautiful building area of 45 m2, modern beds

Max 4 persons

 45 SQM

Located near the seafront of Seminyak Bali, the resort has a beautiful building area of 45 m2, modern beds

Max 4 persons

 45 SQM

Located near the seafront of Seminyak Bali, the resort has a beautiful building area of 45 m2, modern beds

Max 4 persons

 45 SQM

Located near the seafront of Seminyak Bali, the resort has a beautiful building area of 45 m2, modern beds

Mesari Beach Huts

More photos of our resort

Mesari Beach Huts
Mesari Beach Huts
Mesari Beach Huts
Mesari Beach Huts
Mesari Beach Huts
Mesari Beach Huts



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